Live rock for sale


New member
I have 350 pounds of live rock for sale. Willing to sell at $2 a pound. 300 pounds is tonga and the remainder 50 is fiji rock.

Please contact me at 954-243-0699
Perfect, at the end of MArch, Ishould be setting up my 92, if you still have, I might need 50-100 lbs.
im in the same situation as him, my tank isnt fully underway but will be sometime soon, i might buy a container to put it in just for the mean time. need about 75 lbs.
is there a way i can keep live rock alive in say a rubbermaid or something like that with a small pump going for a couple of months?
Keep a pump going, even better a skimmer too, maybe a small powercompact light, and the temps stable. You should be good for a long while (and water changes need to be done as a normal tank as well.)
Rock goes quick and this is a great price. If I needed rock I would buy a $5 bucket a heater and put what rock I needed in there till my tank was ready. Helps with the cure after the transfer anyway.
i need 25 lbs but cant drive up to miramar coz of my sched :(
any chance you driving down here at miami?

D9sccr you got pm. tnx
I kept alot of live rock in a 20 gal. long tank with a pc light for several months before I added it to my reef tank. Just used a hang-on filter and a small powerhead to circulate the water along with regular water changes and it was perfect. All the critters and small pieces of coral that came with it did great!
