Live Rock Lighting


New member
We are setting up a 29 gal. FO and live rock. I was told no special lighting is required for live rock. At $6.50+ a lb I need to make sure all is well.
are you just curing the rock in your tank? i have rock on order and when it gets here i plan on curing it with a cover over the tank so light doesnt promote algea growth. i figure it will be ok for a week or two. some people "cook" their rocks for months with no light.
The only benefit of good lighting would be if any HH corals survived the shipping and the curing process which is rare, but does happen.
Just use as much light as you think looks good. I think a 30W flourescent tube is standard for a 29gal. One or 2 of those will be plenty of light. Another alternative is a single 65W Power compact bulb.

The "live" part of the live rock is the bacteria, specifically the anaerobic bacteria which live deep in the rock. That is what you are buying it for. Some light and good calcium levels will promote coralline (pink/purple) algae growth, but this only makes it look better.
I don't know where you're getting 6.25/lb of LR but that's wayyyyy too much. Are you getting Tongas or Fiji? Look on ebay, I ordered about 100lb of LR from a seller there last year and I'm extremely happy with the result. Ended up paying like 2.90/lb after shipping. Even my LFS sell them for 4.50 a lb only and you can hand pick.
6.25 at one pet shop and 9.00 per lb at another here in town. Wouldn't shipping be high online? Saw one ebay seller that had "shipping quotes are per pound" turned out to be 18.00 from FL to NC. :eek2:
you can mix any type of rocks you want... I find it best to find some used live rocks. If you're lucky, you'll find some locally for $2/lb. :)
go to they have good prices and good shipping. i got mine there for 4.50 a lb and i was close so i got ground shipping. my LFS sells live rock for 11.99 a lb!!! this was a much better deal even with the shipping cost