Live Rock squirting white fluid???


New member
This morning while watching my fish after feeding, i noticed a piece of live rock squirt out a large amout of white milky fluid. It seemed to last for like 2 seconds. It formed a thick white cloud the size of a grapefruit then quickly dispersed. I have never seen this happen before and I am very confused. It also left a very light film on the inside of the glass.

Anyone else ever see this before?
sounds like something was spawning from the LR. as far as the film its just a normal algae film thats part of owning an aquarium. a mag-float will keep it clean
yep... sounds like a bristleworm to me.
They use this as a defence mechanism - Ive seen it happen when Ive tried to grab one out of my tank..

its fine - no worries
It also could be a limpet or a non photosynth hitchhiker clam. BOth do it in my tank whenever I change the lighting around. THe limpets are especially fun to watch. Everyone of them in the tank will puff a white smoke cloud out at the same time.