

New member
hi Jeremy
i was wondering whether you had access to tonga branch rock for special order?

im looking to get around 60 # or so and would like to avoid a shipping charge. your in driving distance to me so its always worth my while to check :)
Hi Joe,

Yes we do. We would only be able to sell it to you in a box lot qty since we do not stock it. I believe it ships in 35 or 40lb boxes, but I would have to check to find out for sure. I believe our next Tonga rock order is probably going to be the first weekend into February, so let me know if you're interested!

do you receive that dry? i know there are a couple of vendors who distribute it as base rock and a few that try to sell it as live. im thinking of useing it in conjunction with some 'cherry picked' kalini or marshal island.

any thoughts would be appreciated.

also what prices on the tonga?

Yes, all south pacific rock that comes into the country is brought in dry. The rock is typically out of the water no more than 36 - 48 hrs before we receive it in our facility and have it tanked again. The branch that we get is live, and not base rock. Pricing on it would be $.50 more per lb than the Kaelini uncured, so you would be $4.49/lb and over 1 box would be $3.99/lb.