Livestock for sale


New member
60# Live Rock- $100.00

Pair of Occ Clowns- 10.00

Frogspawn Coral--30.00

Fiji Toadstool leather-30.00

Purple plate Coral-25.00

Red Banded High Fin Goby and pistol shrimp-25.00

pair of Sexy Shrimp- 5.00

Orande Diamond Goby- 10.00

Free Xenia,
How far is Trenton? Are you planning to be in the Memphis area?

I would like the pair of Shrimp if they would be okay in the nano with an open brain and McCosker's wrasses.
I am interested in the plate coral and any xenia you want to get rid of. Maybe some other items if you still have them. I could pick it up this weekend.
Which tank do you want to put the pair in cathy? They are fine with most corals, but too many in a smaller tank, like with zoa's they'll walk around on them. And the Wrasse's "shouldn't" bother them.
I was thinking the 24 gallon Aquapod.

I have all SPS in there except a few zoanthids, a clam and that Trachyphyllia I got from Kermits. It was just a tiny button when I got it, but it has grown REALLY big and acts like its hungry every night. I was more afraid it might eat them if they wandered on to it.

They might be happier in the big tank if they'd stay on the frogspawn or something. But I've always been afraid to put any in that tank because its so big, with big fish, a huge skunk cleaner and they might try to get on the big anemone which would make the clownfish nuts.

It may not work. I've just always liked those shrimp a lot. I could break a couple heads off the euphyllia and put it in the small tank if it would help make them happy.

What do you think?
Everything is spoken for except the Fiji Toadstool and the Frogspawn, These are two really nice pieces.
Are you counting on Nick or me for the Sexy shrimp pair or has someone else taken them?

Is anyone else here making this trip from Memphis to get some of this stuff?