Livestock in a fuge.


New member
I was curious of every1s opinion about livestock in a fuge. Say if u had a display fuge what would u put in it...snails and hermits r a given...but fish like pipe fish n so on....AAAAAND GO.
I would do a seahorse tank.

Seahorses are generally best kept at a temperature lower than we typically keep our reef tanks. It can be done, but you will probably be shortening the lifespan of the seahorse as well as dealing with vibrio on a regular basis
I only ask because I'm thinking of using my 120 as a display refugium when I set up my 265. I'm not sure yet.
I guess it depends on space when I find the house I'm gonna buy. I'm sure the pod population from 120 gal fuge could support my manderin and a pair of pipe fish. Since my manderin eats frozen mysis.
I would do a pair of banggaii cardinals, urchin(if you get any babies) and mangroves and whatever other macro algae you want in there.
I have a pair of pj cardinals already in my 120.granted it is my reef right now...and I plan on having a shrimp/goby pair in the 40 breeder in my sons room. Wouldn't hurt to have a pair in a fuge also...I did have some bangaiis but I lost them when I moved the first time...I do like them tho
Question you might want to ask yourself first is what the purpose of your fuge is going to be. Fuge, or refugium, to me is exactly that. A refuge or safe haven. I would use it to keen a population of pods, beneficial bacteria, etc. So I wouldn't add anything that would hurt those things (eating them/killing them).

I know... opposite of recommending what to add. Sorry.

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I'm hoping to do this. Bangaii cardinals and mangroves is one very cool idea; another is to keep a species-only predator type fish, like a frogfish, who would be inappropriate for your main system but is unlikely to go to town on the microfauna you want in a refugium.
Mangroves would be cool and provide a little nutrient export, as well. I've seen some fuges full of pulsing Xenia (spreads like mad), and Kenya trees. The Xenia looked cool, but just make sure none gets in the main tank, or it'll spread there, too.
Question you might want to ask yourself first is what the purpose of your fuge is going to be. Fuge, or refugium, to me is exactly that. A refuge or safe haven. I would use it to keen a population of pods, beneficial bacteria, etc. So I wouldn't add anything that would hurt those things (eating them/killing them).

I know... opposite of recommending what to add. Sorry.

i thought alot about it. throwing ideas around. like plumbing the 120 into the 265 as a display fuge by its self...or adding another seperate fuge under the stand along with the 120 display fuge....1 for the safe haven and 1 with looking really nice etc....i def want the best chance for pods and microfauna to live but at the same time i really like the idea of a low flow tank for pipefish and and shrimp n so on....i really want some nice fish that i dont have ..1s that go after shrimp n snails...but i like shrimp alos...just fishing for ideas..i appreciate the relpy.
I have a fuge plumber into my reef tank. I have a yellow watchman goby (only because he constantly entered my overflow and I found him in my socks) and a few hermits. I have one clam (publix) and a bunch of cheato and sea grass. Keep it simple and light the fuge opposite the display to control ph
Question you might want to ask yourself first is what the purpose of your fuge is going to be. Fuge, or refugium, to me is exactly that. A refuge or safe haven. I would use it to keen a population of pods, beneficial bacteria, etc. So I wouldn't add anything that would hurt those things (eating them/killing them).

I know... opposite of recommending what to add. Sorry.

i thought alot about it. throwing ideas around. like plumbing the 120 into the 265 as a display fuge by its self...or adding another seperate fuge under the stand along with the 120 display fuge....1 for the safe haven and 1 with looking really nice etc....i def want the best chance for pods and microfauna to live but at the same time i really like the idea of a low flow tank for pipefish and and shrimp n so on....i really want some nice fish that i dont have ..1s that go after shrimp n snails...but i like shrimp alos...just fishing for ideas..i appreciate the relpy.

I like the idea of plumbing it all together. Regulate the flow you have going through it so you can have different type of species from your normal tank. Just remember the other things that come with these animals, like temperature of water etc. can't really change that if it's all plumbed together.

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