livestock list


New member
Hey Mike or my most trusted source for my Livestock...what (in your opinions) would I be able to add to or should I add to as far as fish that co-exist with my inverts / zoas / Lps / Sps ?

This is what I currently have in my 120:

1. Flame Angel
2. Hippo Tang
3. Yellow Tang
4. Purple Tang
5. Watchman Goby
6. Bullet Goby
7. Cleaner Wrasse
8. Lawnmower Blenny
9. 2 Scooter Blennies
10. and 2 Ocellaris Clowns

There seems to peace and harmony in my tank but I just think it needs more fish...any suggestions? maybe Anthias ? or a couple Gobies ? or maybe even a Black Cap Basslet ? Or should I just stop with the fish and go with more corals ? THanks guys...I'm itching to make another order so bear with me here....:thumbsup:

You are a very accomplished aquarist who has a penchant for keeping hard to keep things alive so this might not apply to you but I usually recommend people go light on fish if they value their coral. It is much easier to keep coral growing and thriving without an overload of fish. But, have you considered a rabbitfish of some type? They have pretty cool personalities and are fairly peaceful for the most part. They do have a tendency to pick at coral but no more so than your flame angel would. The other thing that your tank is screaming for is fairy wrasses. You may not be a wrasses guy but I don't think a reef tank is complete without at least a couple of different fairy wrasses. You touched on gobies. Personally I think most are too small for such a large tank but you can go wild with them and get a few different species of shrimp gobies for instance. The other group of fish I like are the basslets. Of course you have the grammas but you also have the assessors and the various Atlantic species of basslets.

All in all I think you have many many options. We will look for the order soon. ;)
which would be the most peaceful basslet or gramma or assessor? I had a strawberry pseudo that was nastier than some triggers...and the fairy wrasses sound great but I had a Disappearing Wrasse (i know its not a fairy but) and it was supposed to be reef safe as well but was too territorial and picked on my inverts and smaller gobies...would the fairy wrasses have a softer tempermant? OR....LOL should I start planning a bigger tank>?
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Assessors are always REALLY peaceful. They cause no problems at all. The problem is finding them. Keep them in the back of your mind though. Mystery wrasses are little devils. In fact most of what we call lined wrasses are. Very aggressive and cunning hunters. Fairy wrasses and especially flasher wrasses are much more calm. You just have to make sure the tank is covered. Over here at the Zoo we love wrasses which is apparent in our selection. We stock most every kind you can think of and have gotten really good at feeding them and keeping them happy. Look though that section and see what catches your eye.
thanks guys! I will check em out! but one last about a bunch (5 or so) of these that you guys have from time to time :

Blue Chromis
Chromis cyanea
From $17.95
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