OK, so how do you get rid of Lobophora if your tank is too small for a Naso? I have a 53 gallon tank. I know I could get a Naso for a few months and then return it, but I'd like to avoid that. I have one Emerald Crab, and I've never seen him touch the Labophora. I've used RO/DO water only since I set up the tank 13 months ago (high end Spectrapure Maxcap). TDS output has always been zero. I have a Elos nk550 Skimmer and skim wet. I am running a Two Little Fishies Phosphate reactor with Phosban. I only have 4 small fish. Try not to overfeed. Rinse my food. Feed frozen food only, cut out all flakes and pellets. I don't add any extra food for corals etc. No other nusciance algae. 150MH Elos 10k bulb, which is about 10 months old and I'm ordering a new one today. 4 T5 bulbs which I swapped out about 6 weeks ago. I scrub the rocks inside my tank, and even if I clean a spot right down to the rock, it eventually comes back. I've read a long spined sea urchin (diadema) will go after it, but others say their's didn't. Someone even said their green chromis ate it. Not sure if anyone else has seen their green chromis go after it. Any other ideas? It never seems to get to the point where it lifts off the rock. Just some small pieces do. It's not a horrible problem yet, but I find it ugly, and am afraid of it overtaking everything.
My parameters are:
Reef Crystals Salt - Salinity: 1.025
Ammonia, Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 2.5
Phosphates: undetectable with salifert since I started running Phosban. Before that, it was .1 .
Temp: 80-82 now that summer has hit.
Calcium: 390-400
Mag: 1170
Alk: 7-8 dHk