local people?


In Memoriam
Hello all ...

I'm fairly new to the hobby.
Just wondering who all is local here, and what kind of setup you guys run.

I just picked up a pre-loved 150g w/ lights & pump.
Scott (keinreis) is lending me some advice, helping me setup & putting up with a bunch of my 'newbie' questions ... Thanks!

In the next 2 months or so this tank should come alive ... have to clean it & polish out the scatches first though.

Does the local "club" meet, or hold show-off sesions?
Weekend workshops?

I'll be living in Naples in August and have a 310 gallon tank setting up then. I'd also be interested in club events and such.
Hi Marco.
Welcome to RC. There is not a whole lot of action here in this forum, I think some folks get together once and a while. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. If we don't know, I am sure we can point you in the right direction. (or make something up:D )
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7632257#post7632257 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by keinreis
Do I know you?:D

hey scott.

the website seems to be down for the SWFMAS?

whats the deal? if the site needs some hosting ... let me know.

"mduvall219" - post up some pics, please :)

Just wanted to say hi, and Welcome. There use to be some people who got together, but they havent in a while-not sure why. I am running a 55 reef, that will soon be upgraded to 150 gal with a 55 sump/fuge. Also just started a 37 cube seahorse tank. There are at least 2 lfs in ft. myers and 4 on the cape. I only go to aquarium on delprado and ocean env on cleveland.. There is also one in estero -salt water solutions. Good luck
No offense but this forum is rather dead. Where is all the reefers in the area.... I sure hope this picks up sometime soon, its nice to have people in the area to trade with and help each other out. Just my .02
I know i check here now and then, and all the people who use to be here are now gone. They had a few meetings at ocean environments but I dont know if they are still involved.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7664826#post7664826 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84
No offense but this forum is rather dead. Where is all the reefers in the area.... I sure hope this picks up sometime soon, its nice to have people in the area to trade with and help each other out. Just my .02

What we need are more college students in Ohio.:lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7672438#post7672438 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hobster
What we need are more college students in Ohio.:lol:

lol .. at least he posts.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7627747#post7627747 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84
I'll be living in Naples in August and have a 310 gallon tank setting up then. I'd also be interested in club events and such.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7672438#post7672438 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hobster
What we need are more college students in Ohio.:lol:

lol. I'm moving to Naples in two weeks so I just thought I'd make myself known ;)
The answer is simple. all the people that were here when this started don't seem to post here anymore, so we start where they left off. gather up new people and make this thing happen again. When SWFMAS first started there were several people who were real excited and things were going good, but it quickly died. Why wait for the old people to come back just start fresh again.
Sounds like a plan.... First meeting at my house July 12th to help unload my 310 gallon glass tank. I'll be having a "hands on seminar" on how to lift heavy weight with your legs not your back lol. :lol: :lol:
LOL I would actually take you up on that if I was going to be around that day.

Seriously me and Wizmaster have been friends for several years, and he is just starting to get into the reef thing. It is alot funner when you have others to compare, and share ideas. Makes the hobby better. so as soon as you get all moved, and Wizmaster (marco) gets his new set-up going. we should plan a small get togeather somewhere!
yea that would be great. Any of you guys have SPS dominated tanks or some cool clams? I can't wait to get everything set up, I might pee my pants in excitement when i see the tank for the first time lol.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7679060#post7679060 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84
Sounds like a plan.... First meeting at my house July 12th to help unload my 310 gallon glass tank. I'll be having a "hands on seminar" on how to lift heavy weight with your legs not your back lol. :lol: :lol:

310 gallon glass? call some amigos & your set! lol