The sump is a 65 gallon custom acyrlic sump also brand new so yea i'll have 375 total. As for sand, its not any cheaper here than there, I'm getting my sand from a guy in miami if you want to carpool and split gas. He has aragonite mined from the bahamas, really fine like southdown for 6 bucks per 40 pound bag. Thats a deal and a half, let me know if you want to go get some with me.
I'm moving out to the estates of naples way out in the sticks, 17 street off of white blvd. My family moved there 4 years ago and I've been living alone since then. So its time to move down and enjoy the weather (and not paying my own bills lol) I'll be going to FGCU this fall as a transfer student (biology major) I'm going to try and get a job at the LFS cuz its near my house so we'll see how that goes.
I see your interested in cars, what types you into (classic?, fords? chevy's)
I'm def going to be needed a point in the right direction for things such as macros for my fuge and high quality fish ( my fish list is $$ male crosshatch trigger, wantatabei angels pair, mystery wrasse, some other sweet fairy wrasses, some of the top end stuff.)