local people?

my question with an auto topoff is does it hook up to your RO/DI and just turn on when nec. or do you have to make water, store in separate bin, then have it gravity fed into your main via the top off system. I'm to lazy to read up on this lol
well basically you can just get a float switch that will hook-up directly to your RODI output, and use it directly into your sump, but nobody recomends doing that since those float switches are prone to sticking in salt water. basically with this system you have your RODI watter run into a container under your tank and the float switch will control how much water is in the holding tank from the RODI, and then this kit has 2 electronic float switches that control a small pump that goes into the sump. basically with this you can add no more water than is in the holding container. if you run your RODI directly into your sump, and the float switch malfunctions you would have a constant stream of water entering your tank and it would overflow real easy. I will work up a diagram sometime monday to explain this better.
They are not in production yet these are only samples from the factory, we are supposed to be getting the next samples in in the next week or so, and if I get an extra one I will let ya have it.
So what happens if the float valve malfuctions in the holding tank, You'd still have a flood on hand no? Sounds like you'd still have a major problem.... I was thinking about just running my ro/di off a main line with a shut off valve before it. then from there i'd have rubber hose running to my tank. When i need water just flip the lever and let it fill to the normal amount, then shut it off.... simple and inexpensive.
actually you could have a drain valve from your holding tank where if ti gets to a certain level it just drains, and the float valve failing in a freshwater condition would be alot less than one failing in a salty condition example salt creep.
True i didn't think about all that. Any of you guys know anyone selling a 6' VHO retrofit in the area? I need something for supplementation.
Tonight we got Scott his new 90g tank, and he helped me sand & polish mine ... Still have a little but of work left on it, but its see through again at least!

Maybe I will get it started within the next 2 weeks ... We'll see...

Hey guys/gals I would be more than willing to join in on the club thing once again. We did have a few gatherings a while back and they did all go well, just when we were ready to do another it seemed no one wanted to show up for them. I know quite a few people that would do it again. It is always fun to meet others locally and see what they have created.
When everyone is ready lets get a time and date set up so we can get this going again.
There is no more website but I think I still own the domain name. I can always throw something together and get it back up and running though.

EDIT....Just realized I was signed is under Carlos name. Anyway, this is Dustin....:rolleye1:
cool... cool... I'm starting to see some potential here. I leave in the AM to get my tank, and then i'll be taking pics like crazy and starting a log... but it will be about a month behind considering the time i get my internet back up. In the meantime i'll still have lovely dialup. Gotta love technology that you've never had but can't live without lol.
I finished sanding, polishing & buffing yesterday ... Been filling the tank since 5.55 PM until about 6.40 am and have approximately 43.7gallons in it ... Seems like my unit is making water faster than expected, I'd guess due to the warm water coming out of the pipe.

I will have to try to get the plumbing done tonight, or tomorrow night latest.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7700241#post7700241 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84
True i didn't think about all that. Any of you guys know anyone selling a 6' VHO retrofit in the area? I need something for supplementation.

Boardroom aquatics behind office depot on 41 by college pkwy is selling their VHO/MH ceiling suspended unit ... Not sure on the specs ...

If you are looking for just VHO in that length ... I think most make their own instead of getting a retrofit kit.
I would also like to start attending meetings again...once a month is fine with me. I attended one at Dawn's house and it was great meeting all the local reefers in the area. I am ready to do an upgrade to a larger tank so ideas and extra aspirin would be welcome....

hey just saw that you are unloading the tank tomarrow. what time. im working in the day but im free all night. ive moved plenty of heavy tanks including my 800 gal. i would like to see this forum pick up myself. ive been in the fish business for a few years myself. i have some knowlege but im always open to more. im somewhat new to salt water but ive mastered freshwater and discus. let me know if you need help. 239-745-5799 thanks mark
Well I'm here and the tank is still on the trailer. I should have a group of guys lined up to help me out. If i need more I'll def give you a call Discuss. Thanks for the offer. Def have to get some type of meetings going this fall. Later guys

O and I'm still going to miami to get sand so I'll let you all know before I go...
make sure you have some of the large suction cups with handles to carry the tank ... it will make the move easier!!!


and yes, i'd still like some sand ... in case we can't meet up & go together, could you get me about 200 lbs of it? you said it was $6 / 40lbs bag, correct?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7734563#post7734563 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wiszmaster
and yes, i'd still like some sand ... in case we can't meet up & go together, could you get me about 200 lbs of it? you said it was $6 / 40lbs bag, correct?

Do you really think you need 200 pounds, I'm only getting 300 for my 310 and the RC calculator says that will give me a 2 inch sandbed.... I don't see why it would be a problem to pick up for you, as long as you throw me some gas money ;)

Where can i get some suction cups local? i was just going to have the boys lift it out.... do you think the local fishstores have some I could use or something... take care
i was planning on running a 3" bed ... but maybe i'll go down to a 2" as well in which case it would be about 150 lbs.

when are you planning on going? i can't do it during the week .. only weekend.