Local place with ESV B-Ionic Alk/Calc in stock


New member

Anybody know of a store in oc that has the 2g bottles of ESV B-Ionic Alk/Calcium in stock and for a decent price?
Both Marine Depot and Custom Aquatics are outta stock on them right now and I'm out! :eek:

I know Marine Depot has the AquaC two part additive as well. Anybody have any reviews on it? I really hate to switch manufacturers since ESV has been working so well even though its a pain to dose everyday. lol

I have not heard of tropic marin bio calcium mentioned before?
Is it any good?
Is it an alk & calcium addititve?

I've considered using Randy's 2 part system but dow flakes aren't sold around here.
I might just bite the bullet and order some online.
I'm also kinda hesitant on switching materials used since everything's been working pretty well with ESV.