Location of zoas


New member
Is there a place that certain color zoas prefer? I thought I heard somewhere that darker colors preferred to be closer to the bottom of the tank.

I had some Darth Mauls that were on the bottom of the tank and did very well expanding and growing, then all of a sudden the starting not coming out and eventually just closed up and died. I can't figure it out, all the other zoas are doing just fine.
I use trail and error. I always start low and shaded then gradually move out and up until they are either where I want them, or where they thrive best.
I use trail and error. I always start low and shaded then gradually move out and up until they are either where I want them, or where they thrive best.

Over how long of a period of time? And how long does it take to decide if they are where 'they thrive best'?
Over how long of a period of time? And how long does it take to decide if they are where 'they thrive best'?

Usually 2-3 weeks per 'move'. It's hard to put an exact time frame on any given polyp however. Each zoa has it's own preferred requirements, I just look how the certain polyp responds to different lighting/flow.