London, Ontario reefers? Looking for a "mentor"


New member
Hi Everyone

first post here, seriously considering ggetting into reefing, any chance there are some londoners here willing to educate/answer some questions in person about keeping a reef tank? Perhaps even showing me some routine maintenance or something like that? reading all about this amazing hobby is one thing, but asking questions in person, and even being shown the ropes is a whole different level of learning, in my opinion at least.

if anyone would be willing to give me some info, please pm me!
jroovers is from London - he is fairly active in the photography section.

There is a local SW Ontario forum - PM if you don't know it.
There are plenty of reefers in London and area. A good place to connect locally in SW Ontario is Lots of locals on there with tons of knowledge, in addition to what you can get from this fantastic site and forum.