Longest a fish has been missing....then found again


New member
I just got a sunburst a couple days ago and ever since I put him in the tank he hid in the rocks. (I have about 350-400 lbs) Unfortunatley,I have not seen him since.

I have looked, and looked, and then looked some more. I was really hoping he'd come out when I fed the tank but no luck as of yet.

So, just curious what is the longest a fish has been MIA and then reappear one day? I would search but it basically doesnt work anymore.

Thanks all!!!

My diamond goby was "missing" for a week. I just saw him a few days ago. I thought he was dead b/c I really didn't acclimate him well and just threw him in the tank. But he survived :)
cool, a week is very promising.

I acclimated for an hour, so I know thats not the problem. I really think one of my existing fish is being a punk and that "sonny" is scared to come out.
I lost a purple fire fish for 10 days.

I found him when replacing a filter sock. He managed to swim up into the sock, and was unable to get out.
I thought my catalina goby was a gonner, because I ordered him online, and he came to me like only a 1/2inch big and he was gone for about a week. Til I looked one day and he poped in and out of the holes in my liverock, and that was just in my 50 gallon tank.
I'll look in my filter sock and my overflow...just in case

Luckily, I have a 240 gal sump...so if he is lost in the sump he should be nice and happy. Got lots of rock in the sump too, so he will still be hard to find if he's in there.
The sunburst is a very shy fish. He may yet show up. I have one shrimp I only see every three or four days.
I lost my yellow watchman for about a month (hiding in the live rock in my sump), and I lost a green chromis in my overflow for about a week. I hope it works out for you, but one of the problems with so much live rock is that the fish can die in the back on the bottom and your clean up crew will do away with the evidence before you get a chance to see it. :(
Hi Julie

I bought a 90g reef setup from a fellow reefer in October. He fell on hard times and couldn't afford to keep it up. He hadn't even turned on the lights since beginning of summer to the day I came to see it. No WC, nothing. Thought it was his version of the Dead Sea. Turns on the lights just before I get there, I'm looking around at the semi-LR and out pops a kole tang. I have no idea what it had eaten for 3-4 months without lighting but it was ok. The fish is still alive and believe it or not, it took 3 plus months to get that fish to eat anything frozen or flake, wouldn't touch it. Only would eat algae grazing on rock and sides. Total wild fish. It finally started eating after adding anthias. Must have been like a dither fish for it. So although I was the back half of this story, my experience is 3-4 months :)
I lost a fire fish in a 12G nano for a month. I was sure it died then all af a sudden there it was again. It never really hid before or since. I had 2 redhead gobies that both disapeared for a couple of weeks in my 240. If something dies there will be nothing left in just a couple hours so I was surprised when, I saw one and two days latter, both of them. Again they were fish I used to see every day. Now I see them almost every day.
Had a nemo go missing. Told my son he went to heaven to which he cried. Found it 4 months later in the overflow. Finally got him out and back in the tank. Son was very happy. 2 days later he was in the overflow again. Been there for 3 months now. He appears to jump over the teeth of the AGA overflow. Wating well and very healthy looking.
not sure if this really counts...
but this weekend, I saw my Spiked Fin Goby for the very first time in over 4 months!!!

Then he swam darted back into the rocks...
I swear, that is the most overpriced fish I ever bought... not much enjoyment there...
I used to have a pink spotted watchman gobie that would appear every 2-4 months he finally jumped out and I found him behind the stand when I took the tank down 1 year later.