Looking for 2 foot cube and 60 in Orange Justice tank can be cracked


New member
hey there I'm looking to set up some reptile enclosures need a 60-inch tank prefer 60 by 20 by 18 if possible I believe that is considered a 100 gallon tank

Also looking for a 2-foot by 2-foot cube tank prefer height around 18in but open to all sizes

prefer the tanks not to be drilled as they will be for a reptiles but I am open to all kinds of stuff please let me know what you have thank you

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Still looking?

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Yes also looking for a stand for a 2-foot by 2-foot tank actually found the two foot by 2 foot reptile enclosure still interested in a 5-footer though

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Bumpin this one up someone has to have a 5ft or 6ft tank sitting around that they want to see turned into a terrarium :-)

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