Looking for 90g Acrylic? TFP?


Premium Member
I'm considering upgrading my aging 75g AGA to a for 90g Acrylic (Potentially 120g Acrylic). Who sells Acrylic tanks local, or able to ship? I am about 1hr from TFP but don't know if they sell Acrylic?

Any comments on "Clear for Life" they seem to be the most talked about. I've also looked at Glass Cage but the reviews and talk really turns me off.
TFP doesn't sell acrylic tanks. I have seen two Glass Cages tanks and the workmanship was not good at all.

Our home 240g reef is a Clarity Plus acrylic tank. It's a great tank but the seams are starting to craze. We're going to take it out of service in the next few months in favor of a Marineland 300 Deep Dimension Starphire tank. I manage a 300 reef (soon to be two) at school and they're absolutely awesome.
I'm considering upgrading my aging 75g AGA to a for 90g Acrylic (Potentially 120g Acrylic). Who sells Acrylic tanks local, or able to ship? I am about 1hr from TFP but don't know if they sell Acrylic?

Any comments on "Clear for Life" they seem to be the most talked about. I've also looked at Glass Cage but the reviews and talk really turns me off.

I have 2 clear for life tank

60 gallon
180 gallon

Mine are fresh water so I can only give you experience based on using it as fresh water tank. Like all acrylic, they scratch easily. You won't see them but from an angle you will. The one thing I don't like about my 180 is that they use very thin sheet. While I have not problem with the tank so far, they do bow at the top and the side. You can definitely see the bowing if you look from the side.