Looking for a 20L tank, two overflows, and an Eheim 1260.


New member
Anyone have any of this? Hopefully local to Boca.
Looking for a 20g Long to use as a sump, so scratches and such don't matter all that much.

Looking for two overflows for my two 29g tanks.

Looking for an Eheim 1260 to use as a return pump. Any random pipe fittings you may have would work also, as well as some return line 3/4" fittings.

Thanks, Craig
i have a 20L i can built you the overflow or drill you tank and make one in the tank i don't have the eheim pump but have fitings and stuf i am in miami if you want to come by and see i have more stuf like o HOB skimmer refeugium and more i like to get rit off
I have a 1060,which I think is the earlier version of a 1260.You'd have to check that out,as I'm not sure.I could give you the specs if you need.It is used,but runs great.
Eric I am trying to avoid the Mag line because they are notorius for heating up the water, and I have read so many positive reviews about the Eheim. The 1260 seems like the type of pump that I can buy and keep for years and years, problem free.