Looking for a BTA?


Active member
Does anyone have a decent size bta for sale, or know a LFS that has a nice selection? I think a bta will do better in my tank than the lta i have... and i dont want one thats too small becuase ive seen many go into cracks under rocks and just stay there, i want something nice for my maroon to host.
I would stay away from anemones just because the lighting is decent but then again not quite enough IMO. If I were to upgrade then I would get a BTA...

Soon enought your tank will fill with corals and then there will be no room for a BTA, plus its like a killing machine the way it stings other corals.
Your lighting is kind of on the low end but if you feed it a couple of times a week you should be good. Just make sure to cover any powerhead intakes as they can wake into them and that's would suck to say the least. BTA are some of the easier ones to keep and some Rose BTA look very nice. Check out PBMAS.org for one that is for sell... my Rose just split and I might post it up for sell in a couple of weeks. Also, BTA are known to walk alot until they find a spot they like and then can stay there for awhile.
I know that they have a few RBTA's at exotic aquatic on oakland. They're med/smallish in size (about 4-5 inches in diameter) and they look pretty healthy.
So seriosly, with my lighting, do you think it could be a problem? I'm only investing in another anenome if i know it will be ok, cuase ive had some bad luck with em, however the ones ive had in the past where under only 40watts, a little over a wat per gallon. Now i have the PC65wx2 system. I want to be safe, but i love my maroon and id love it to have a home....
Clowns don't really need a home. It will do just fine without one. BUT if you must... RBTA or GBTA would be best for your lighting.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8141304#post8141304 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by CraigG
They are probably pretty pricey there.

40$ isnt a lot for a BTA! Iasked how much they were yesterday when I was there!
BTA's definitely can live under pc's go to www.rareclownfish.com and there is a thread there where someone asked and another person has kept one under pc's for over 3 years. Not recommended, but others say that mh was too much for their bta and that they have had better success under pc's. Good advice about the overflows and the intakes for pumps, ph's, skimmer, etc.

All that being said, if you get a big tonga mushroom, a nice leather with polyps or branches, star polyps, xenia, frogspawn, or any other soft coral of that sort, clowns will many times host in it. I know euphyllia are LPS, but I have a clown hosting in it. All of these examples above (except xenia, which I have seen pictures of) are from my own experience. I also have BTA's, but my clowns are not choosy.
I have 2 RBTAs in my display that usually split every 3 months. They're getting pretty big again, so I expect them to split in the next few weeks. After they have a little time to recover, I'll offer them up for sale/trade here in the forum. Bureau13 and 45commando took home the last pair.

(and I ask a LOT less than the LFS, lol)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8151562#post8151562 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bawla47
rob told me 90$ when i went there

it was just regular greenish-brown ones...the rose were 90$....
wow my buble tip just split tow days ago in to 5 who want one for frag it does not mater what frag it si if i don't have it