Looking for a good equipment store


New member
Hi guys, i am looking for an store to buy some equipment in the area near miami, i wil travelling tehre from venezuela in abaut 1 month and i want to get some stuff for my aquarium.

What i am looking for is :

Protein Skimmer (Euroref/Delted)
Powerheads (Vortech)
Some lighning HQI stuff, i specially need the electronic ballast.

Well hope u can help me, especially if u can tell what store there have more equipment in general and qhere i can find qhat i am looking for, if u can point me to a website i would really aprecite it,

You are going to take that all back with you one a plane?

Security may not let you. The chiller has toxic chemicals. At the least check with the airline to make certain that it will be allowed. Then get there really early so that when you have trouble you have time.
The only place that normally carries decent equipment around south FL is Eco-Reef, who carries Octopus and bermuda I believe. They definitely carried bermuda last time I was there.

Otherwise you can order through a bunch of the LFSs as well.
Thanks a lot guys, and no, i am planing to send the chiller in a ship cargament where another stuff for my work will be going to.