Looking for a larger sump


New member
Need a larger sump that will fit under a 48x24 stand. Currently using a rs75 thats too small for the volume back flow and not big enough for extras i wanna house and refugium. Im debating buying a new 30x18 or 48x18 sump or something along those lines. Checking for whats used out there or new and sitting around. Thanks.
I know where you're talking about. But, thinking about getting a trigger systems sump , not sure which one though.
I am very happy with my emerald 39 trigger sump. I would never setup another tank without a trigger sump again. There was a new trigger sump on regular FS forum but it had cracked baffle.
Thank you for the link mal7887! Looks like a new ruby might be in the near future. That one ya posted is pretty far. I'll keep an eye out in the meantime.