New member

I have had severe back issues and procedures this past year, and have lost the ability to properly care for my beloved reef tank.
I have had friends and neighbors keep the water changes up, so that the levels stayed decent and the softies still thrived, but the daily maintenance required to keep algae, aptasia, and other issues at bay is something I've completely lost the ability to do.
I've had the damsel and clown for years and years. The clown was the male of a pair, but we lost the female a couple of years ago. We got a BTA, which he paired with. (A bucket list item of mine as a reef keeper was always to have a clown/anemone pair.) You can see there are also several other zoas/leathers in the tank as well.
What you can't see is the mantis shrimp. I'm 99% we have one. We have had all the symptoms over the last year or 2. Disappearing livestock. The tell-tale clicking at night. I had finally devised a trap system of cleaning the rocks one-by-one, but unfortunately my accident with my back occurred before I could execute the plan.
This tank is a bit of a mess I'm afraid. In my situation, I'm unable to even load my little friends into a bucket to take them to a store to give them a good home, much less find the mantis and recover the beauty this tank had for so many years.
It is with a very heavy heart that I ask for help from the community. If anyone is interested in coming to get any of them to give them a better home, it would be totally free, you would just have to come get it. There's 50+ lbs of live rock in there, as well, very old and cultured, but also now unfortunately not without their problems, as you can see.
All livestock, rock, and even the tank and stand as well if anyone wanted them. I need to get this done soon, as I will soon have another surgery and will be out of the house for some time to recover.
Thank you so much for tanking the time. Please help me find these little friends a new home

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