Looking for a new rimless cube - opinions??


New member
hey everyone,

I currently have a Red Sea Max 130D that is pretty scratched up and I am looking to buy a rimless cube. My problem is that I am looking for something between 35 and 45 gallons, which seems to be less common. The Mr. Aqua low iron rimless tanks look nice and affordable, but they only offer a 25 gallon or 60 gallon cube. I have been looking at this Deep Blue 34 gallon rimless reef ready tank and it looks like just what I want.

Shipping is $118 so it is about $360 delivered to the door. My question is...has anybody had experience with this company/model? Is there another rimless cube that you'd recommend?? Thanks!!
There are plenty of rimless aquariums of that size out their but their prices are high. I found nuvo make some good ones. if u have the money go with a cade tank.
There are plenty of rimless aquariums of that size out their but their prices are high. I found nuvo make some good ones. if u have the money go with a cade tank.

Thanks for the reply. The Nuvo is nice but I am looking for the tank only without the rear filtration area since I already have a sump. Any other recommendations??
I have the deep blue 30 gal. Not a true cube but I love the dimensions, 24x24x12 makes it a half cube I guess, gives a lot of surface area in a small package.