looking for a pico fish

Hi, new the salt and reefing

i have the smallest tank i have found on these forums...

.75 gallon (three quarts, ish)

the only occupant atm is a n. wenn mantis

im curious about providing him some company that he wont eat, and of course that
wont out grow the tank.

so, any suggestions for a fish or non shelled creature that will be suitable to my "femto" tank?

<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>

You're at max bioload and any livestock you add will foul your tank, until it gets eaten by your mantis. Even 3/4 gallon is marginal for a small n. wennerae long term. Mine is pushing three inches long.

btw, your sig says 1/4 gallon.
no way you can keep anything else in there man... sorry to say that. Your manits will most likely eat anything that is small enough to fit in there, and eventually he too will grow to big for that tank. lets see some pics though, sounds awesome!
There was a member that had three picos if I remember correctly, and I believe one was only a half gallon.