Looking for a protein skimmer....


New member
I think I have narrowed my search to one of these two:

Octopus Rec. 200 or Aqua C 120.
My 150, fishwise is well stocked and I m looking for a better skimmer than the Seaclone that runs now!!

Any opinions which way to lean??
Thanks again for everyones input.
i just picked up a das ex-2...love it!!! but i think for that tank you should check out the octopus pro. just my 2 cents. i would've got it if i had plans of an upgrade any time soon!~
i think the rec. octo would be fine on your tank, but isnt it like $350 or something? it would be cheaper to do it yourself if you can, otherwise i hear great things about the das also
if Matt (ding2thedong) still has his Octo 150 or 200, I forget which, for like $150 or something, that was a sweet deal. I think Adrian keeps calling it, but I doubt it'll ever be picked up....
I would go with an Octo over an AquaC. Either a DAS or Octo, Octo Pro, or Octo Extreme (bubbleking/bubblemaster ripoff).

Also I think that a used EuroReef is a great deal too. I would make sure to get a 8" diameter skimmer if this is going in your 150g tank.
Im gonna go with the Octo!! Has anyone purchased from Aquacave.com before??They have the best prices i have seen.
Yea I bought something recently... An aqualifter pump, airline valve, aqualifter filter, and automatic feeder. They had the best prices, so I went for it. I was happy with my order.
yeah i think thats where i ordered my octo cant remember lol, i know i wasa at least considering buying from them when i looked for my skimmer, well who ever sent it had good service lol
And now for the flip-flop!!!

I have a potential seller of an ASM G-3 skimmer with pump. I have never seen, only heard of this brand. The price is $250.00. It has only been used for about 3 months.

Would this be a better invesment than a new Octopus?? Both prices are similar. Lol, should I just stick to the Octo plan!!
I would stick with the octo. I bought my euroreef 8-2 used for under $300, and I've just never been really impressed with the ASMs, though there are plenty of people who swear by them... soo yea its up to you.