Looking for a "safe" play sand.

Just Jim

Active member
I really don't want to overpay for sand. I'm looking to put 4" of a non silica base sand down, and then top it with an 1" of a courser substrate. Anyone out there know of one? Back in the day you could get that blue bag from the hardware stores. Someone tought me to check em with vinegar to make sure they're silica free, so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
Quickcrete is silica based: Click Me

...It is what I used on the bottom of my RDSB, but not in my DT....VERY fine. ...Ugly too (very brown when wet).
SF in Northampton sells 40lbs for $20. More than I like to pay for stupid sand, but I remember when bottled water went mainstream and I said that I wouldn't pay for water, lol.
Anyone have the book on Coral Propagation? I do, but it is still in a box somewhere. There is information in there on buying aragonite sand in bulk. I'll look for it tonight.

You didn't say how much you needed.
I bought all the "cheap" sand SF had. 100lbs. I'm looking for 80 of more fine sand then probably 40lbs of course or crushed coral sand. They're trying to get more in, but she said its back ordered.