Looking for a skimmer and media baskets for the Biocube 29.

Scuba Dan

New member
Checking to see if anybody had a skimmer for sale that will fit the Coralife Biocube 29 before I look into a new one. Prefer one that fits the first chamber so I can use the media baskets in the second, but will consider one that will fit the second chamber. I checked into the small Biocube skimmer, but don't want one that uses a air pump.
best skimmer for the biocube 29 that fits in chamber 1 is the aquatic life mini 115. and i have an intank fuge rack for the middle chamber if your interested
i have the aquatic life 115 in my gfs biocube. ill post pics of how i mounted it and how it skims when i get home. for $50 shipped new in the box i cant complain
$20 and its yours. has a bunch of dead coraline on it but otherwise it was used for about 4 months. ill pm you pics of the fuge basket and the skimmer production once i get home. also do you have a oceanic or coralife biocube 29
I have to pass on the basket. I'll spend $10.00+ in fuel going to and from Port Richey when a new basket is $26.99. *LOL*
Thanks for the offer......
closer to $36 after shipping. but i understand, everytime someone has what im looking for they are like an hour drive away at least.

Aquatic 115... 3 days of skim. Nano skimmers for lack of a better word, suck. They simply aren't big enough to have a design that works well. The 115 is widely used by nano keepers and IMO is worth the $50. I glued a sure grip magnet to mine so I could easily control the height and also did the air line mod. Have to empty it every 3 days. Took a week or so before it was consistent

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Thanks to all that replied and sent PM's. No longer looking.
Thanks to jwalker314 (John) for the new In Tank media baskets.
