Looking for a Steel Square Tube Stress Calculator For a Stand


New member
Anybody know of a Square tube stress calculator, even better if it did both steel and aluminum. I'm trying to figure out how thick of square tubing I will need for my stand.

I looked for one a while back and came up empty. With all the stuff on the internet, you'd think someone had one available.

I'm doing a 400 gallon and used 3/16th inch thick, (I think it is also called "11 gauge") 2" square steel. According to the shop that built it, this should more than hold the weight. I know of one other 600 gallon that used similar steel.
I ended up calling a steel shop and they said 2 x 2 x 1/4" could hold 1500 lbs at 44" tall which is what I was looking for.
i went 2x2x3/16th on my 560g glass at 39"

Just a quick question from a roockie... What does the height of the tank have to do with the strength of the material...
I would think that the horizontal span would be critical, but I don't understand the height part.
Just wondering........
p.s. great looking stand and tank NYVP!
And to tag along with this, what height is considered to high? I ended up buying a new tank to replace my 200g. The tank is 62W x 24D x 32T. I want to make the stand 38" tall but am concered the tank will not be that stable due to it not having that large of a foot print. Also I live near SF so am concerned about earth quakes.

As for Steel tube my 600g is on a steel stand of 2" square tube that is also 3/16" thick. The stand is 36" tall and is more than enough strong.

<img src="http://gallery.missingpacket.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=463&g2_serialNumber=2"></img>
<img src="http://gallery.missingpacket.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=459&g2_serialNumber=2"></img>