Looking for Gate Valves with Unions


New member
So do these exist? I'm looking to redo my system and want to use a manifold to reduce the amount of pumps/heat into a single pump with a back up.

All I've been able to find are:
Ball Valves with Dual Unions
Ball Valves with One Union
Ball Valves
Gate Valves

I could not find any plumbing/plastic gate valves with a union.

Also, I would like some input. Slip or Threaded? I figure threaded would let me change out valves if I needed but it will take up some room under the tank. That and the possibility of leaks if they are not tight.
My gate valves are threaded,so they are removable. I don't think they make them with true unions, although you could glue a couple of unions to them if you insisted on having them. I got mine from Savko.
I've been looking at a few builds and their manifold systems. Looks like I will be doing what Rovi said and go with threads.

Gate valves will be Spears thread x thread. I'll be using threaded tees to connect them together to assemble the manifold. Dual union ball valve will go before them for easy disassembly. The Jebao DC9000 should be able to feed the DT, frag tank, CaRx, Reactors, chiller, and maybe fuge.
I've been looking at a few builds and their manifold systems. Looks like I will be doing what Rovi said and go with threads.

Gate valves will be Spears thread x thread. I'll be using threaded tees to connect them together to assemble the manifold. Dual union ball valve will go before them for easy disassembly. The Jebao DC9000 should be able to feed the DT, frag tank, CaRx, Reactors, chiller, and maybe fuge.

Ill be interested to see how the dc pump handles the head pressure. I have a feeling they don't do well. I hope I'm wrong, as I have a 12000 to plumb.
Ill be interested to see how the dc pump handles the head pressure. I have a feeling they don't do well. I hope I'm wrong, as I have a 12000 to plumb.

From what I calculated, I have approximately 100g of total water before rocks/etc. I bought it anticipating head loss but to what extent, I'm not sure. If need be I'll end up cranking it up. I anticipate it being dialed down to the minimum it's allowed but we'll see. I think you'll end up finishing before me.
Ill be interested to see how the dc pump handles the head pressure. I have a feeling they don't do well. I hope I'm wrong, as I have a 12000 to plumb.

everything i am hearing about the dc pumps is that they are extremely powerful vs original expectations. Very interested to see how things work out

Here is the semi-finished product. Composes of two 1/2" SCH80 gate valves, 2 1/2" ball valves, 1 3/8" John Guest valve/fitting, and missing is a 3/4" gate valve. The two gate valves will feed my bio-pellet and carbon reactors. One ball valve will be feeding my calcium reactor. The 3/8" John Guest valve/fitting is an end piece and will have water going back to the drain area of the sump. The extra ball valve and 3/4" gate valve is extra in case I need to expand later on. Originally the 3/4" gate valve was going to feed my chiller but I have a tee coming off my pump feeding the chiller then splits to my DT and Frag tank so the water would have to go through the two main tanks before going back to the sump.

Since running unions would only make them extend more then I would like and space constraints, I decided to go with all threaded fittings. I learned with the first set up that slip fittings, if glued correctly won't leak but if you ever plan to change the set up, they are basically trash. I still have to put thread seal tape and then I can tighten it all up. For easy removal I used a dual union ball valve.