looking for HARDY started sps frags, please help


New member
Im looking to transition to sps keeping in my mixed reef. I know there are alot of you guys out here on the boards, but the names escape me, that have a bunch of frags. looking for nice, HARDY smallish frags, bout 10$ bux pop, free is always better, lol. I had a few peices and for some reason they got RTN and it really upset me cuz i realy thought i was doing good at keeping them, i just cant figure it out. i posted also in the sps forum....heres the link so you guys can have an idea about whats going on. hope some of you guys can help a struggling sps reefer in training out. :)

ive had best luck with pocillapora, the first few times i tried sps everything else died aside from the pocillapora..... next easiest would have to be monti's then birdnest IMO anyways
I have a frag sale going on. 2 of my acro colonies survived 4 days in a box that was lost in shipment. Blue Pectinatus and Nuclear Green A. Nasuta. Toughest acros I have ever met. If they die on you I would guess your tank is not ready yet. I have a tiny frag of the nasuta that I would sell for 10. Most others are 20+. PM me if interested.
ive got tons of poccilipora...digi's...some acros. lots of easy stuff. $5-10 is my going rate on frags. let me know if you'd be interested.
thanks guys for the input. ROBLACK thanks for the offer, miami is alil far for me but if i do end up heading that way ill pm you to let you know. Keith, i sent you a pm. rogger, ill try to give you a call tomorrow, thanks. i belive i spoke to you a few moths ago and i couldnt meet up with you cuz i think you were in the middle of setting up your new tank, or someones tank, i belive you were at home depot. lol