Looking for ideas pair 6105's in a 150


New member
I have a pair of Tunze 6105's on a 7096 controller. I have never been happy with the placement and maybe someone can give me an idea for these. Or perhaps 6105's are too big for this tank? My issue always seems to be not enough flow in the back corners, I get alot of buildup near the sand. Currently they are set on pulse, 1 sec 0% to 100% but the flow doesn't seem to lift up the particles to my overflows very efficiently.

I have contemplated adding the comline wavebox to the left side of the tank but I am not sure what I would do with the 6105's.

Any help would be appreciated :bdaysmile:
Are you trying to generate a wave or a directional current? Ideally you would have both so the 6208 and the 2 6105's would be the best set up. To create a wave the pumps need to face each other and be connected to sockets 3 and 4 and wavemode used, you will use the autotuning and inverse feature to find the frequency which makes a wave. This will accomplish a lift and suspend but then you won't have a directional flow to carry detritus away. I would use the 6208 for this and then set up the 6105's with the wide flow housings and place one in each back corner aimed to hit the front four feet away and use interval mode with a roughly 6 hr interval so only one is on at a time and pulse the pump that is on from 30-100% every few seconds. The pumps will then handle a directional/tidal current while the 6208 produces the wave.