I keep reading info regarding all the great items being raffled away at Macna. How do the raffles work? You buy tickets and apply them to the items your most interested in? Or is it one pot and luck of the draw?
There is a raffle area were all the items are displayed, each item has a box were you place your tickets. There are good items raffled each day but the big raffle is Sunday; the box will say on what day the item will be raffled.
There is a list of some items on the MACNA website... GREAT raffles.
300G complete system and a 60G system
3 each mp10s, 40s, 60s
reef food
and lots more..
There is a list of some items on the MACNA website... GREAT raffles.
300G complete system and a 60G system
3 each mp10s, 40s, 60s
reef food
and lots more..
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