My 65 has been up and running for a few weeks now. I'm using a DSB for this tank. I got a cup of live sand from coralnut99 but I'm hoping to get a couple more cups from different tanks. Can any of you Lehigh Valley reefers spare a cup?
If you still need it at the swap, let me know. I can grab some from my fuge which is LOADED with bristleworms and some from my main tank. The fuge is all southdown, the tank I'm not sure about but it's MOSTLY Southdown and small particles like SD.
I've really been neglecting my tank trying to get my house into selling shape and the heat wave wiped out what was left of my SPSs, but the zoas are good, the anemone just split and the fish seem happy..although I think I lost one of my two anthias I bought from Mal (had them for a while though...nothing wrong with them)...need too buy more, they were very nice...still have any Mal?
I don't know how much trading I'll do at the swap but I'll support the club and show up if it's not too far from me..if you want sand I can bring it. Let me know.
Hi Jon, I'll be at the KidsPeace soccer tournie this weekend, don;t know my schedule but maybe could drop some for you at SF, or maybe another weekend, if you still need some?
Sorry for the delayed reply everyone. Must be football practice time again. I'll gladly take some from all of you. Are any of you heading to SF on Sunday?
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