Looking for MP10 or small Gyre


Hi all,

My MP10 is starting to rattle (unfortunate drop to hard floor- yikes) so I need to replace it for my 30 gal. Doe anybody have one available or other alternatives?

I'm intrigued by the gyre, but I'm thinking none but the smallest will work on a tank so small (lps) and even that may be to too much flow on low setting.

Does anyone know if Mp10s are self serviceable on the dryside?

Thanks, Mike
I have heard of people opening them up to replace bearings, but any other part may be impossible to obtain.

I think I saw someone selling one on the ORCA forum, in orlando
You can replace the dry side bearings, you can also replace the entire dry side with the cable. Pretty easy to do actually.

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I have a dry side I could sell you, runs quiet, selling because my driver blew. $80. Located in westchase
Thanks everybody! stpauli914 hooked me up with a great condition XF130 so I'm trying out the gyre.

@Crazyeyes - I'll have to look up the process for changing the bearings, thanks for the tip!