Looking for Orange Turbo Snails.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11597197#post11597197 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ninjamini

This is what they look like, and i had them spawned in my previous tank before a crash that killed almost all of my invertebrates.

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11597215#post11597215 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
orange is a color, a mix of yellow and red.

As for you Jess. Ha-Ha.

Actually Orange is a term that we give to a learned perception. Light is absorbed and reflected from every surface. The color that it is (orange in this case) is in fact just the wavelength of light that is not absorbed. We capture a portion of this light that is reflected through the use of the receptors in our eyes and interoperate what we "see" with our brains. We all see it a little different as our eyes and our brains perceive it differently. But we learn to call it orange. But if fact we might not "see" the same color or perceive the same color. We just both call that color which we perceive orange. It makes it easier that way. A mix of yellow and red works if your mixing pant. But not for viewing the color of an object. For that we have to talk about absorption and reflection. Then reception and perception.

But again to make it easy = er..ok its orange a mix of yellow and red.
Aqurium Depot in town and Country gets by the ton and currently has them, I have about 4 in my tank and just added one last week.