looking for Rods fish food.


Clownfish Farmer
Everywhere I look online it runs about $40-$45 to ship the food. I'm just lookin for a somewhat local place to buy it. I live in Port St. Lucie, FL. Lookin for a LFS between Melbourne and West Palm. Or if someone local wants to order online and split shipping, let me know.
Exotic Aquatic carries it. I bought a pack last week and tried it out. My fish like it very much. It has a variety of stuff, from small particles to whole chunks of krill for the bigger guys.
if you do want it, let me know. I am heading to Melbourne Monday evening, I can grab 2 packs or so and meet u in Melb or off 95 somewhere....Or Rob will have some at the Frag Swap on Sunday
Bret61081, thanks! That would be great. I live right off of 95 in Port st. Lucie. I'll send you a PM with my #.

There aren't too many places in FL currently that carry it. Have a look at their website, there's a list of locations. rodsfood dot com