Looking for South Puget Sound Fish Enthusiasts!


New member
Hey everyone,

I live in the Olympia area and am looking for a South Puget Sound club to join. If there are no clubs, I think it would be awesome to host a frag swap somewhere. It would require a few local enthusiasts that would be willing to put in the time to make this happen. Please send me a PM or just reply on this thread.

Thank you.
I'm moving back to WA soon, if all goes smoothly in a couple months but ill most likely end up around Spokane.

Good luck!
i know a lot of the seattle reef club hangs out at reeffrontiers. You can check there. Also look for psas. Since im in sw washington im more active in the oregon club pnwmas
Hey again

Hey again

Yeah, I know about PSAS. I am not currently apart of it because it seems like a bit to drive sometimes. Although, I am thinking about joining it. Olympia is a tough spot because it is a fair distance from the greater Seattle area and a bit from Portland. I just wanted to see if there was anyone near Olympia who would even want to get together at a local place and have a frag swap.
