Looking for terrors of the reef tanks, your ID will remain anonymous.


Looking for "Cherry" anemonesThese are small. Non photosynthic. Pest level reproducers. Not good neighbors. So, of course I want to try them. Sold red base and tentacles.

Also looking for those pretty colored bubble tipped apistia relatives.

Also looking for a "margola"? anemone. Looks like a small RBTA or GBTA but is of pest production rate.

Always on the look out for unwanted crabs too. Mini terrors of the reef.

Ok, ok, so other kids were watching cartoons on Saturday morning. I was watching old B/W Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolfman movies.
terrors of the reef

terrors of the reef

Thank you very much. I will be out of town for the meeting. I will pick up if you can get it out of your tank LOL! I live in Horn Lake. Maybe someone in Desoto County will be at the meeting and I can pick up from them? I travel Desoto quite a bit. Other than everything. Is he mostly eating critters or plants. Day active or night. Just because he is going to jail doesn't mean he can't have some comforts. haha Thanks again.
It was pulling my mushrooms off the rocks and taking them to little hole in a rock.Mostly active at night. I feed it small pieces of silverside and krill twice a week.