looking for thoughts on using Apex to manage a siphon

Hey all!

Wanted to run an idea by you guy. I have a aquarium setup with a Bean overflow system, and am often leaving town for work, so I have been looking for a way to automate as much as possible.

my idea is to use the apex and a gate valve, hooked up to a stepper motor, to manage the full siphon the return to the tank. I was thinking about using two flow monitors, 1 on the inflow, and 1 on the outflow, and to have the apex adjust the siphon so that there is perhaps .5-1 gph less going through the siphon than through the intake. This would keep trickle of water going down wet overflow, while preventing it from being too much or the siphon from breaking.

The only reason this would need to happen is because I have a slowly varying demand on the manifold (carbon reactors and the like) and so it would be really nice if this could self adjust safely.

Any thoughts?

That's a lot of trust in an aquarium controller. An the simple flow meters used with them. I do Industrial PLC work have made something similar to this but I am dealing with flow meters that cost 100 times what the whole Apex system cost. [emoji3]
That’s a lot of trust in an aquarium controller. An the simple flow meters used with them. I do Industrial PLC work have made something similar to this but I am dealing with flow meters that cost 100 times what the whole Apex system cost. [emoji3]

Normally I would 100% agree with you, but thats also what the bean overflow is meant for. If the system failed catastrophically and closed the gate valve fully then the wet and dry drains should be able to handle it all the same. It would just be really noisy, but not so wet! ;)
I not sure why you need this...A bean should be more than capable of adjusting to minor flow differences due to reactors clogging and the emergency and partial siphons can handle larger changes without issue..
Something may be setup incorrectly if its not...
Worst case should just be that you come home and all reactors are 100% clogged and the emergency is being used some...if so..so what...address the reactors when you can and thats it..
But your idea can certainly work...be aware that those flow meters are quite restrictive and you will need to increase flow to account for that... IMO its all not needed let the bean do what it does best
The other issue is the level of precision with the flow meters if you are going to ask apex to take action based on comparisons. My sense is that the meters are about plus/minus 10%, but is it 10% always in the same direction.