Looking for: yellow tang and mystery wrasse

I have a yellow tang that I would like to re home. I've had it a little over a year. Its very healthy and eats all types of food. $20 if your interested. Pm me
Saw Yellow Tangs at Reef Zone for $30 today in their e-mail blast. I was looking into Mystery Wrasses and many said they do not always play well with others.
Not sure where you are at but Reef Zone and Pet World are both family owned busineses run by nice folks. They are almost within walking distance of each other.
still looking for these two...I have heard from a few people looking to rehome theirs but most have stopped communicating (I'm assuming they decided not to rehome them!). If you have either, please let me know. I'd rather take one from a reefer that no longer wants theirs before buying one from a LFS. If not, LFS it is!