Looky at what I got in the mail


In Memoriam
Well, just got the first package from Neptune Systems on Friday, just had a chance to go through everything, here are some of the items;


I am still waiting on some other items, but they should be here sometime next week. I am very impressed with the overall quality of everything and I can't wait to get started on getting it all setup.

Let me know if you have any questions.

-Mike C.
I just got my aquacontroller jr. in today. I am having trouble configuring a few things but it should be setup by tomorrow.


I will be setting up one AquaController Jr on my 30g nano, and one on my frag system, and the AquaController 3 Pro will be going on my larger display when the time comes.

What are you having trouble with btw?

-Mike C.
i wish i could go with the aq 3, just cost 1 pretty penny :(

do love my ac jr tho, even tho its the old looking one, newer scheme looks sweet.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12467023#post12467023 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
mike, why do you need two controllers? shouldn't one be able to control both tnks

my thoughts as well
Tanks are on opposite sides of the condo, unfortunately couldn't put them near eachother because of the pool table. Believe me, I got a great deal, so it was worth it ;)

-Mike C.