Lots for Sale - LR, LS, Coral, Fish, Lights, Tank and More in Miami!

it took me a while, but I did it...trust me when I say that I have a lot of frags...Jess actually helped me frag a huge zoa rock that I bought into some great pieces...some reds, greens, light blues and others...plus tons of xenia and star polyps!
I get paid tomorrow, so if when I get to sean's house many of the cheaper zoo pieces may (may? who am I kidding...)
more like WILL leave with the live stock... :)
Thanks for the hippo tang Sean. S/he is doing great, had a peppermint shrimp release their brood 30min after aclimating the tang to my tank. The rest of the denizens of the tank went crazy chasing the little shrimps, think maybe the tang caught some too.