Lots of pics.


Premium Member
My 75 AGA RR mainly SPS tank.







You have a lot of montipora's ..I especially like the blue digitata. I would love to find that piece.
Two Triggers....Niger and a Bluejaw. I thought I lost the niger in my old tank. he went missing for over a week and I the bluejaw was on sale. turns out the Niger was just stuck in the external overflow.

I have a lot of digitas and I am working on adding more acros all the time. The digitas are pretty cool.
Nice looking tank:) Be careful where you place the digi's as they grow like weeds and will overtake other corals. Also I would make sure you dip EVERY sps that goes in your tank. Seems to be a ton of red bugs and Acro Eating Flatworms in this hobby lately
fishypets thanks for the advise, ive been doing this for over six years now and I am finally able to spend the time and money on my tank that I have always wanted to.

I clip the digis back a LOT. I dont let them get very big because I want other stuff to grow in.
I like the two triggers a lot. I wonder if one of those varieties would get a long with my pink tail? Nice tank btw. I like the shot with the clown and the anemone and the side view the best. Looks good.
Either one would get along with a pinktail i suspect. I would say that the bluejaw for SURE. However, I dont know how the pinktail would like the other. :)
Thanks, its actually a lot less clean than I would like. The loc-line and intake for the CL are a little annoying but Im a teacher. I could not drop the money on having the glass drilled or buy acrylic.

Ill be adding a tunze 6100 and controller as soon as NuReef send it to me, cough, cough, one week late. Im very excited to get this in the tank and see what kind of damage, I mean improvement, it will do.