Lots of used reef gear at blackfriday pricing.


New member
I had these for a bit and didn't really try hard to move them. well, now I want them gone out of the garage, so offering them at way lower "priced to move" prices where it they don't move at that price, I'd rather throw them away, or donate and take the write off. Prices are firm.
I'm in Eldorado (Santa Fe County)

First come. First serve. Email me as I don't check here often (drgomer @gmail)

Oceanic Biocube 14 with Oceanic stand, and 70watt MH sunpod 16" light, new argonite sand. maybe a heater too.

40g (36x15x16H) acrylic open top/eurobrace, mohagony stand/shelf, 4x39watt Tech T5HO

Ecotech Marine Battery Backup

Elos 70 glass sump and skimmer (no ATO/pumps)

~100 lbs of reef rock. Some used, some new.

I have other misc things including 2 part chemicals/carbon, koralias, HOBs, power strips etc that I'll let go dirt cheap if you get anything above.