low alk


In Memoriam
I tested my KH and it was only 7 ppm. I've always had a problem with low KH but my calcium level is always 400+ ppm. Can I add only the alkalinity component of the B-Ionic ESV?
IMO 7 is not low at all, some reefers run their system at substantially higher alk than NSW. I do not think this is necessary and can cause problems, I shoot for around 8 dKH which is about at NSW.

Do not use more of the alk than cal in your 2 part sup. It is meant to be used together in equal amounts to maintain levels and not raise them. I have used just regular baking soda dissoled in ro/di to raise alk to where I want it then use bionic daily to maitain that level. I use 1 teaspoon for my 55. Be aware that this may raise the PH. JMO
Now that your ph is ok,nows the time to just keep it stable like fragoholic mentioned IMO as well. You keep that target ph of 8.2-8.4(never higher and 8.4 should be its brief peek before the lights go out and ph eventually should drop around 8.1-8.2 before lights come on) stabelized with your AB bionic or Kalkwasser and it'll work its self through with sceduled maintenance.

Speaking of the rise and fall durring the day,you are being consistant with testing around the same time of day to keep a form of control and taking into consideration the rise and fall of pH durring the photoperiod respectively...Right?;)

I just started useing Randy 2pt recipe #2. I lost my first SPS, a huge purple digi, a month ago. I hadn't been checking my calc/alk for months because I thought I had it dialed in. I was forgetting about all the SPS frags I had added. When I checked it I was sitting at 4dKH and 360ppm cal. :( ..not a good situation. After reading that article at work I went and grabbed the ACS grade chemicals and made up the two parts. Since that time the tank had been gravy, and I'm back to checking my alk on a daily basis untill I think I've got it dialed in. Then I'll be doing bi-weekly checks to make sure it stays in line.
I recently switched from two part "reef code A/B" by brightwell to Seachem powder. The reef code was dummy proof, but I was adding daily if not more and using it up like crazy (I am having a great run on growth:) ).

I am having a heck of a time getting balanced out with the Seachem powder. I am charting the values on a spreadsheet and am finding it is simply chasing the numbers. I can get my calcuim up to 420 only to have it at 380 the next day. Adding so much calcium is constantly dropping the KH. Hearing of people adding/checking bi-weekly makes me wonder what the difference is. I have 20 or so SPS that are new and growing good. I also have coraline growth going crazy. Is this simply the method to the SPS madness, or do any of you have recommendations?

Any input is appreciated!!!

Hey Ryan, glad I bumped this old thread, always a current topic :)
Dont happen to have a clam do you? Then it would make perfect sense ;) Im not sure of the size of your tank or the density of your 20 pieces so maybe a pic might help. Doesnt sound to be totally off though, I find my daily useage to be between 15-20ppm a day in Ca. Sometimes more, possibly could be going through a growth spurt due to the stability you've been providing your water's chemistry. SPS catch whiff of this and trust me, their going to capitalize on it :thumbsup: This is what ultimately drives a lot of ess-pee-ess sufferers to break down and get a reactor, to keep up with the demand.

With all that calcification going on; growth, coraline, just dont forget to watch your magnesium as well as your alk(although alk being foremost of course).

I think one of the biggest issues is that some people dont realize that Mg is a key ingredient for Alk and Calc to function in a reef tank. I have noticed that mine fluctuates around 1300-1450 at times. If you are chasing numbers and have huge inconsistencies, check your Mg. I could almost bet its the culprit in providing a large array of inconsistent reading and poor coral health. You can buy Mg supplements but most ppl use Epson Salt. I have never used epson salt for two reasons, one, Mg supplement is fairly inexpensive and two, the epson salt (from what i have read) can cause a sulfate build up that is normally unwanted in reef tanks. Hope this helps. Read up on Mg. You will be surprised of how important it is it the Alk and Calc make up.
Mg is at 1280 in natural sea water (NSW). If you go higher on either alk or Ca you should go proportionally higher with Mg too.
Excellent input...and your right Mg is the likely culprit. I have been neglecting to supplement with Mg...waiting until I get the Calc and KH to a science. I see it doesn't work that way. Will be testing by nightfall...Thanks everyone.