Low pH... can't figure out why, help pls


New member
This started about 2 weeks ago. I had a torch coral frag decide to up and die on me, causing my tank to get cloudy. I did a 10% wc and got a 20% mixing. Also threw in a bag of carbon to help clear up the water. Tank cleared itself up in about 1.5-2 days. All corals looked happy and open, fish were happy. Only casualty was my skunk cleaner shrimp (his body was removed, tail was eaten, I suspect more to do with my pistol shrimp but you never know).

After the 20% wc, Amm 0, trite 0, trate 5, Ca 400, Alk 9, Mg 1300, ph (as measure by a pinpoint probe) 7.8 (night) - 8.2(day). This is generally where my parameters stay. [All test API except Mg - Elos. Results confirmed by LFS using Elos test kits]

Up until last week, I have been using kalk to maintain Ca + Alk between w/c. I would manually add 10mL of kalk solution (1 tbl spoon per 1/2 gallon) at night into the rear chambers (Tank is a 29g Biocube). This was not maintaining the Ca or Alk levels so I decided to try 2-part -- Brightwells. I tested and added 10mL of Part A, then 5mL of Part B. pH has been 7.7 - 7.95 since. I can't figure out why. Have done a 20% wc yesterday and no effect on pH range.

I have read Randy's articles and thought CO2 levels might be an issue (but they werent the rest of the winter?) so I opened all my windows and opened both access hatches. I even tried bubbling the water.

Any ideas? Pointers? I'm not trying to chase pH but 7.7 is out of acceptable range isn't it?

Tank Info:
29g Biocube
2x36w PC (1x10k, 1xactinic)
mj900 return pump
mp10wes for in tank flow (level 3 on lagoon mode)
100w heater
Tunze ato
RKL with temp and ph probe
filtration: filter rack with media in following order: filter floss, purigen, rox8.0, rowaphos
Chaeto growing in fuge rack (jbj nano-glo on 24hrs)

Feeding schedule:
NLS pellets every 2nd day, mysis (with garlic + selcon) once a week
LPS get target feed mysis once a week
TLF coral snow 2x week [heard good things, thought I'd try it out]

1x Bicolour blenny
1x A. Percula
2x green chromis
1x Randall's goby
1x tiger pistol shrimp
CUC - cerith snails, 2x tonga nassarius, nerite snails, 2 blue leg hermits, 1 ring cowrie (I think, see it every once in a while)


- 2 frags Acan
- 2 frags chalice (1 is doing well, other recently decided to not look so good, can see skeleton)
- 1 colony neon green trumpet/candycane
- 1 frag moon coral (favia I believe)
- 2 frags (2 heads each) hammer
- 4 heads frogspawn
- 1 frag blasto merletti
- 1 frag blasto wellsi

-3 ricordia florida
-2 ricordia yuma
- zoas + pallys
- don't know its name but blue in color, looks kinda like xenia but no stalk, grows in mat.

If you need any other info, let me know.
A dead organism may have added extra CO2 into the water. Or it might be testing error.

When you aerated a cup of tank water with fresh air, what happened?
Randy, thanks for dropping in.

When I aerated, the pH did come up to 8.3/.4 as per API test.

Should I drop the airstone into my back chamber and let it bubble away? I can't pipe outside air in all day/night but I have the windows open all the way right now.

So you think the extra CO2 is due to dead organism? CO2 due to decomposition of the organic matter?
That's one possibility. I might check for any sort of surface film on the tank's water surface, as well. The airstone might help, depending on the cause of the low pH. If the air in the room has a lot of carbon dioxide in it, the airstone might not help at all.
No surface film... I have the return nozzle pointed as high as I can without spraying water on the lid.

I live in a 1951 post-world war bungalow. While the windows have been replaced about 10 years ago, the house is not air tight. Just in case, I'm keeping the windows open as much as possible to help get inside CO2 levels down. This is a recent issue (maybe last week, 2 weeks) so I don't think its the CO2 levels in the house that are directly causing it.

I've thrown the airstone in, just to see what the effect will be.
Randy, thanks for dropping in.

When I aerated, the pH did come up to 8.3/.4 as per API test.

Should I drop the airstone into my back chamber and let it bubble away? I can't pipe outside air in all day/night but I have the windows open all the way right now.

Was that aeration with normal inside air, or outside air?
That was with outside air.

I opened the windows last night and kept them open as long as I could (I'm in Vancouver, Canada) ~3 or so hours.

I left the airstone in the tank overnight.

This morning the pH was 7.74 ... yesturday it was 7.70 so I guess that's an improvement but still a minor one even accounting for the log scale.

Whats my next step?
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Are you using limewater (kalkwasser)?

After fresh air, that's the best option.

The next option is a CO2 scrubber on a skimmer intake.
Would the kalk on a slow drip be alright?

I'll try to figure out a way to get fresh air into the air pump.

The skimmer idea wouldn't work as I don't run a skimmer... I rely on regular weekly 10-20% wc

Thanks for the ideas! Really appreciate it.