LPS splitting....


DVM in training
After reading the thread just now about a frogspawn for trade because its getting to big i got very very frustrated...

how the hell do you guys get your LPS to split?

i feed mysis and frozen CE about once a month, sometimes more... and so far no splits... ever...

granted, i had a shroom for 2 years that turned into two shrooms during the entire time... and in the past 3 months has made 11 shrooms... but my LPS have just never fared well.. they generally poof up huge (except my hammer which has fallen a few times, so i attribute it to that) and sometimes accept mysis or CE, but never EVER split...

my frogspawn has been 2 heads since i got it a year ago from Morgan and Johnny at a swap... granted it "looks" larger, but hasnt split or shown any of the bubbling tissue symptoms of a split

my torch was bought at 2 heads, split to 8 in a week or two (i think it was the move from the store to my tank that forced it) and then all but 2 died during a lighting foul up (moved the halide too close to the water on my very small 5 gallon tank) every once in a while i think i see the top head bubbling like its going to split but havent seen any skeletal growth or distinct splitting yet.

my wall hammer was beautiful before i moved tanks again in may, but its fallen, like i said, and hasnt been puffed up as big as I would like and even has algae growing on the skeleton where tissue used to be... but it has colored up in the past few weeks back to a deeper pink/tan

none of the three have ever grown skeleton, EVER... and even though i havent dont a water change in 3 months, or tested in that long either everything in general looks better than ever.. my BTA has never been bigger or prettier, my mushrooms have grown tons of babies, my rics eat TONS and are always getting bigger... the xenia acts like xenia making new stalks by the day... my clam has obviously grown new shell and looks much bigger than when i got it in feb....

sorry its so long, just a rant.. but if anyone has any suggestions... PLEASE let me know...

P.s. i would think its a CA or Alk problem but the clam continues to grow, and my very few sps have encrusted well (even though they havent grown new branches yet) and when i used to test CA, Alk and Mg were always good (alk on the low end of good though like 7-8dkh)
oh and coraline is all over this beast... after i moved tanks from my 20L to my 29 the entire BB was covered in about a month... also the rocks and glass are getting more by the day... my 2x 6025 nanostreams look like purple balls except for some areas that scrape off when i re-position the flow after cleaning...
I keep that particular frog at the bottom of the tank with low flow. Most LPS's don't like a lot of flow. Also, I like to have my alk on the high end, usually at 11dkh and CA at 420 with temp at 80. Ever since I raised my alk, I have noticed a lot of growth from my corals.

i think that may be my problem... alk is always on the lower end of "safe" and i usually use NSW for my changes... but like i said i havent done one in over 3 months...

i want to do one to replenish the nutrients, but i fear changing anything because of how "happy" my corals and BTA look... even if they arent growing much...
hammer coral with pups

hammer coral with pups

Here's a pic of my hammer with pups! My alk is also usually on the low side. And I keep adding Lugol's iodine to my 75 gal. - one drop every other day. I have no skimmer and I do water changes every other week using natural sea water. Knock on wood, I've been fortunate with my hammers and torches.
