MACNA in Dallas next year


Reef Guru
MACNA is in Dallas next year. An easy drive from Memphis. Only $85 if you register now as an early bird. Tickets go up to $200 closer to the event. I already know of several people going from Memphis, myself included. Bought my wife and I tickets yesterday. I think MACNA actually posted on their Facebook page that Rendos bought the very first ticket of the event a few days ago! I've already bought mine, as well as some raffle tickets. Join in the fun and come party with us in Dallas!
Lisa and I were the first registrants...but sadly we did not win a prize.

I have been to several MACNA's and Lisa has been to 2...if you haven't been and are serious about this hobby, it is a must-do. The vendors show the latest and greatest in reefing technology, along with the most popular frags and corals at the moment. The speakers are always some of the most knowledgeable guys and gals in the industry. The prizes are unbelieveable. This year's MACNA in Des Moines had over $75,000 in prizes.

If you register, also be sure to reserve your hotel room at the same time to insure you get a room in the hotel of the event. Dallas MACNA will be in the Sheraton, and right now rooms are $114 + taxes per night.
If we get enough interest, we could rent a van or bus to haul everyone there. I am getting pricing on the transportation, and will share that with Jay and Marty once I have the numbers. Then you guys can discuss it at the next meeting.

Posted by Richard via Lisa's account.