Macro Lenses and Slave Flashes Rock!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11715427#post11715427 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by macawmagic
is that the tyree watermelon challice? it's one of the corals I'm on the hunt for!
the answer is no.
allien eye perhaps.

Keith the wm is completely different.
I believe it was called a "Hulk Alien Eyes" when I got this little frag that broke off of larger colony. I love the goofy names these things have!

I love the little feather duster too...think I want to add more to my collection...all I've got right now is that one (about 3/8" across) and some super tiny ones that were hitchhikers. I'd love to have a couple of those really big ones...I've also heard they're quite good in a refugium.

The photoshop is fun...keep it coming!
Hey you just use "sharpen" and punch up the contrast a bit or what? I'm so overwhelmed by photoshop, I usually just leave it as it, but need to learn some.
Ok my turn
Ugh man those are nice touchups.... I just wish I could adjust the colors enough to make the pictures resemble my tank!

So when are we having that photoshop class taught by FMAS members (online or offline, preferably online or over the summer :) )?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11725926#post11725926 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NanoKat
Hey you just use "sharpen" and punch up the contrast a bit or what? I'm so overwhelmed by photoshop, I usually just leave it as it, but need to learn some.


I adjust the exposure a little bit, add a little saturation to bring out those colors and then use the unsharp mask to sharpen it up just a little bit. You have to play with it until you get the settings that you want. Also, in photoshop, there is no right or wrong, everyone has their own techniques.

If you really want to start using photoshop, and looking at your pics, I recommend that you do because you take some great pictures, then buy a book from Scott Kelby, he gives you the basics on photoshop and its a good reference to have in your library.
