Macro Photo and ID requests...


New member

Here's a sampling of some of the macros in my tank. I know what some of them are but not all.
Is this C. taxilfiolia or mexicana?

There are a few types here. I know the Halimeda sp. and the C. racemosa, but what about the center macro? It forms upward opening cups and grows similiar to the racemosa...

Now this type. Although vaguely similiar to the first, it's clearly different in coloration and growth form.

And finally, I know some call this sawblade, but what is the genus/species of this type?


#1 is C. sertularioides i.e. "feather"
#2 is C. racemosa var. "peltata"
(i've had both forms on the same plant)
#3 ?? can you get a clearer shot?
#4 is C. serrulata

If the mystery Caulerpa has flat leaves, I would guess C. taxifolia (maybe mexicana too), but if they are a round structure, I have to punt because it isn't in my books.
Thanks all,

heres a couple more photos of the mystery type macro...


and one more:


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Uhhhhhhh, Montipora digitata, uhhhhh Red Sea Xenia umbellata, uhhhhhh punt! :D

That stuff reminds me of a FW plant called Anarchis, I said punt right? :D Dang I need better algae books!!!

BTW, I really like the jumbled bounty in your tank. Looks really brimming with life.
BTW, I really like the jumbled bounty in your tank. Looks really brimming with life

yes..there isn't many bare rock patches in my tank. There's a little bit of everything in it...
returning the punt for the florida reeffreaks
is ricksreef!!oh no,he's blinded by the halide
lighting!!he fumbles it! the atlantic? algaes win.
the crowds booing & throwing skimmate on him.
he walks away dumbfounded.(& smelly).:D

You've all lost me on this 'punting' stuff.

does it mean ssomething like giving out the wrong info?:confused:

This might be a variant on C. sertulariodes var. farlowii or an unusual C. taxifolia variant. It does not look much like C. verticillata which would probably be smaller.

If it's not rhizomatous ( a close up shot would help), all bets are off.
I am working only from memory, but...
You can search for Chlorocladus, and see if it doesn't ring a visual bell. That's my head's guess.

My heart's guess is the vegetative form of Batophora, but maybe it's aquarium environment affecting growth or something. It has all the right features, but something just seems different.
That Genus is a barrel of fun when it gets out of hand :eek:

If I've been of some help, can I have permission to use your photos for an online article? Your name gets 'watermarked' onto the pics used.


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You've helped me enough in the past you're more than welcome to use my algae photos whether any you've helped or not.

Just e-mail me for personal info and I'll gladly allow you to use them.
